Monday, September 15, 2008

Toronto Honors Boyle Quot Quot Millionaire Quot

\ u0026quot;...I Have Heard Steel Drums And Eaten Conch Fritters And Watched A Woman In Silver Lam Projectile-vomit Inside A Glass Elevator I Have Now Heard And Am Powerless To Describe lift reggae music.I learned what it is to become their fear those toilets \ u0026quot; And so, in a wry and supremely sublimely hilarious 1996 article in Harpers magazine, at the end of David Foster Wallace caught l \ u0026 # 39; soul pleasures and excesses of a infantilizing luxury cruise Caribbean.I remember reading and rereading quickly \ u0026quot; this story while flying across the Pacific in the crowded cabin of a 747, without success repression guffaws and chortles as my brother I look coup annoyance disoriented.It wasn't DFWs piece published for the first time, but it was for me and many friends what he firmly placed on our radar \ u0026quot; one that started in those pre-Google days, frantic search for anything else had written...

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